This was an awesome experience. There is a picture is in front of the hot air balloon office as we were getting ready to go for our ride. The balloon is in the blue tarp behind the basket. We rode in the white van in front. We went several miles out of town to a very flat spot, where the crew quickly set about inflating the balloon and preparing to launch the basket. Of course we all stood around watching just in awe of what was happening in front of us. It took approximately 20 minutes to inflate and get ready, then we all climbed in and we slowly lifted off. There is a picture of the balloon as they were preparing it for lift off. Here is the link to the Hot Air Balloon Company that we used: http://www.kapadokyaballoons.com/ check them out they should have some nice pictures of the ballons actually in the air which of course I couldn't get, cause of course I was in the balloon. When I went to the site it gives you lot's of info, but the photo album was down for work but the they did have a link to an awesome album of a lady who had traveled with Elderhostel tours, she has great pictures. Our tour and flight was 165 Euro equal to $225.00 but well worth the cost. Off season is much lower Balloon rates. Heres the link: http://travelwithachallenge.com/Turkey_Balloon.htm
The guide book is for Capodocia and shows some of the special "fairy chimmeys"
There is a picture is of the White Valley as we floated along.
These pointed hills are called 'fairy chimmeys" they are erroded hills, which eventually will totally erode. the pictures are not in order, unfortunaely, I can't seem to manage this yet on this tiny computer.

There is a picture is of the White Valley as we floated along.

There is a picture of my certificate for doing the balloon ride. Our pilot was from England, he has lived here in Turkey for the last 11 years. He and his wife live here. He said they have an 11 year old son who is going to boarding school in England now, but he had lived in Turkey for his first seven years. Our pilot was excellant and made the trip very enjoyable and made you feel very comfortable because of his knowledge and skill. He said he and his wife love Turkey.
Here is my picasa album if you want to see more Pictures:
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