Monday, March 29, 2010
Letoon Ruins underwater
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Shipyard Harbor
Boat Yard in Turkey
As we were driving we came across this small inlet and there was a ship yard with lots of boats unders various stages of repair and new construction it wasn't by any means the same type of construction as we'd see in the states but it certainly seemed to do the job for them. The tourist season is just getting ready to start in earnest down in this area. These small sailing boats rent out by the hour, day, few days or by the week. What ever you want. Then they take you sailing where ever you want along the coast of Turkey. After around the 15th of April the water starts to warm up and it's very pleasant to swim, dive, snorkel or whatever water sport you might want to do. Today a jeep passed us with a full load and then a trailer behind loaded with kayaks. It was a beautiful day, water was calm so they'd probably had a great day of kayaking. The water is so crystal clear and blue, just like around Cozumel in places. Made me want to go sign up for a trip tomorrow. But I realize I'm in no shape to kayak....Don would have to pull me to shore for sure.

For a few more pictures of the boats and then great photos of the local kids check out:
Friday, March 26, 2010
Myra Ruins

Lycian hill top rock tombs.
To see more photos go to:
Exploring Saklikent Gorge

This is just as you actually enter the gorge, it reminds me so much of many of our national parks in the southwest.
The water is running very swiftly through the canyon , it enters the main stream from more than one point in the hillside. The water is just working it's way down from the high Tarus Mountain Range behind this gorge. The water is from the winter snow pack which is now melting. It was very loud as it rushed it's way through the canyon. On the entrance side from where we entered the gorge, the gorge actually ends and it turns into a nice river. Looked like the locals come there and really enjoy the cool water in the summer time. There were areas that looked like a sultan would sit and drink tea and the dancing girls would entertain him. Probably no dancing girls but lots of tea.
More pictures at:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Xanthos day among the ruins

After touring for several hours we found a nice picnic table over by the office. Geralynn spread out the table cloth and set out the picnic lunch. We had a nice lunch of fresh bread cheese, salami, olives, pickles and iced tea.
Check out more pictures of Xanthos at my picasa album:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Kas, Turkey day dreaming of the life of the rich and famous

But very beautiful. The pools overlook the sea and just flow right into what looks like the sea.

After lunch it was off for some shopping for Cheryl, groceries for Geralynn and photo's for Don. I think I had the best time. The little town has a great harbor, lots of small fishing boats plus larger boats for taking the tourists out during the season. Today there was a huge trailer putting a boat back into the water, I missed the launch but I'm sure Don caught it. So check out his site at " then go to turkey 2010 Anyway we had a great day, just being relaxed and enjoying the warm weather. Tomorrow we'll probably go tour another ancient Roman ruins.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Kas & Home Exchange
"Rest at Last" and warmer weather. We've arrived at the home exchange and it's gorgeous. The view from my bedroom is 5 star. The first day I rested and did some much needed laundry, then .A trip to the grocery store for food, and some other items. Then some rest and just doing nothing, well not really nothing. Actually sitting and enjoying the view from my bedroom and the kitchen deck, views of the sea.
Here is the link for the pictures:
Ankara Capital of Turkey

We saw many of his personal items, clothings, jewelry, cars, gifts from other heads of state. We also saw lots of military police around the museum too.
Then Don & G and I walked downtown to eat. We found a resturant on the 10th floor we dubbed the lover's bar, as there were alot of young couples in there actually "making out" in their booths. Quite a shock.
In the mornng we said our goodbyes to the group and headed off on our own. Originally Don planned for us to ride a big bus to Kas in southern Turkey (it was an overnight bus ride) but after all the other bus riding we'd just completed he asked if I'd mind flying south instead? I jumped on the chance to fly, I was bused out too. So we headed to the airport to fly south.
More photos can be seen at:
Whirling Dervishes Ceremony at a Carevanserai

The dervishes part of the Melvana belief, it's not a religion, more a way of life. If you want more information on them you can go to their web site at:
The beliefs are: 1. In generosity and helping others be like a river. 2. In compassion and grace be like the sun. 3. In concealing others' faults be like the night. 4. In anger and fury be like the dead. 5. In modesty and humility be like the earth. 6. In tolerance be like the sea. 7. either exist as you are or be as you look. Some very interesting ideas. This was started in the early 1200's, by Melvana Celaleddin i Rumi. The followers do the ceremony as a way of showing their devotion to their beliefs. More photo''s at:
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Cappadocia Valley before & with snow

These are scenes looking out my hotel window, and the last is again the 'White Valley" but now with snow on it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hot Air Ballon Ride

This was an awesome experience. There is a picture is in front of the hot air balloon office as we were getting ready to go for our ride. The balloon is in the blue tarp behind the basket. We rode in the white van in front. We went several miles out of town to a very flat spot, where the crew quickly set about inflating the balloon and preparing to launch the basket. Of course we all stood around watching just in awe of what was happening in front of us. It took approximately 20 minutes to inflate and get ready, then we all climbed in and we slowly lifted off. There is a picture of the balloon as they were preparing it for lift off. Here is the link to the Hot Air Balloon Company that we used: check them out they should have some nice pictures of the ballons actually in the air which of course I couldn't get, cause of course I was in the balloon. When I went to the site it gives you lot's of info, but the photo album was down for work but the they did have a link to an awesome album of a lady who had traveled with Elderhostel tours, she has great pictures. Our tour and flight was 165 Euro equal to $225.00 but well worth the cost. Off season is much lower Balloon rates. Heres the link:

There is a picture is of the White Valley as we floated along.

Here is my picasa album if you want to see more Pictures: